Monday 16 April 2018

Apple memo warns employees to stop leaking information

NEW DELHI: Apple has been known to be among one of the world's most-secret companies. The Cupertino giant has a long history of trying to ensure that information about its products and strategy doesn't don't go out.

Now according to a Bloomberg report, the company has issued a strict warning to its employees about leaking internal information. The memo has been obtained by Bloomberg's Mark Gurman.

According to the memo, the company caught 29 leakers during the year 2017 and of these 12 were arrested. The memo says that last month, Apple caught and fired an employee responsible for leaking details from an internal, confidential meeting about Apple's software roadmap. "Hundreds of software engineers were in attendance, and thousands more within the organization received details of its proceedings. One person betrayed their trust," reads the memo.

It warns employees that leakers are eventually traced and will be in future too. "The employee who leaked the meeting to a reporter later told Apple investigators that he did it because he thought he wouldn’t be discovered. But people who leak -- whether they’re Apple employees, contractors or suppliers -- do get caught and they’re getting caught faster than ever," says the memo.

Apple memo also says that consequences of leaking internal information can be far-reaching for employees. It may not only mean losing job but also jail term in some cases. "Leakers do not simply lose their jobs at Apple. In some cases, they face jail time and massive fines for network intrusion and theft of trade secrets both classified as federal crimes. In 2017, Apple caught 29 leakers. 12 of those were arrested," said the memo as published on Bloomberg.

It also advises Apple employees of not falling into trap of people who may try to befriend them only to get information about the company they are working for. "In many cases, leakers don’t set out to leak. Instead, people who work for Apple are often targeted by press, analysts and bloggers who befriend them on professional and social networks like LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook and begin to pry for information. While it may seem flattering to be approached, it’s important to remember that you’re getting played. The success of these outsiders is measured by obtaining Apple’s secrets from you and making them public. A scoop about an unreleased Apple product can generate massive traffic for a publication and financially benefit the blogger or reporter who broke it."

Talking about the devastating impact that leaks can have the memo says, "The impact of a leak goes beyond the people who work on a particular project — it's felt throughout the company. Leaked information about a new product can negatively impact sales of the current model; give rival companies more time to begin on a competitive response; and lead to fewer sales of that new product when it arrives."

The memo also mentions how several employees were caught last year feeding information to some people in media. "Just before last September's special event, an employee leaked a link to the gold master of iOS 11 to the press, again believing he wouldn't be caught. The unreleased OS detailed soon-to-be-announced software and hardware including iPhone X. Within days, the leaker was identified through an internal investigation and fired. Global Security's digital forensics also helped catch several employees who were feeding confidential details about new products including iPhone X, iPad Pro and AirPods to a blogger at 9to5Mac," says the memo.

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